CONTINENTE is a research and project develompent center related to audiovisual arts


It is a space for the reflection on experimental cinema and video, as well as a development team for projects connected to audiovisual arts. It was created in 2005 by Andrés Denegri and Gabriela Golder within the framework of the Artes Electronicas degree at Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). CONTINENTE’s main objective is to promote and encourage experimental audiovisual productions, specially those coming from artists from Latin America.

Within CONTINENTE’s many activities, some of the most distinguished are the exhibition Ejercicios de Memoria I y II (2006-2016), the television program on Latin American experimental video Lucida (2007), and the catalogue of publications that collects first editions in spanish of texts by Gene Youngblood, Cine Expandido (Eduntref, 2012) and Stan Brakhage, Por un arte de la visión (Eduntref, 2014), as well as essays such as Fotogenias y Paradojas by Erik Bullot and La imagen, el hecho, la acción y lo que queda por hacer by Nicole Brenez.

The Biennial of Moving Image (BIM) is a critical instance of the work developed through these years.