
+0 and the electronic audiovisual scene in Canarias

MASCERO (2001) it’s

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an independent and self-financed cultural association of digital artists, that work towards the diffusion of today’s art on the city of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria (Spain), employing to that goal: concerts, art shows, lectures, workshops, and the internet.


On their 7 years of history there had been many multimedia events that the collective has carried out through self-management and in collaboration with public and private organizations, where concerts, exhibitions and DJ and VJ sessions had been put together. Nowadays the collective it’s integrated by 15 artists of different disciplines, and an endless amount of collaborators.

These are some of the most significant projects the collective has developed:

The GL (since 2004) are multimedia events produced by the +0 collective. These happen once a month, from January to June, on the Literary Office of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, and had feature the work of many canarian artists (musicians, DJs, VJs, visual and plastic artists) and national and international musicians, such as: Sutekh, Geoff White, Someone Else, Mikael Stavostrand, Damian Schwartz, Tadeo, Deadbeat, Andreas Tilliander, Dilo, Gurtz, etc.

The Nexts Las Palmas was born on May 2005 with the sponsorship of the Canarias Government, mini festival that serves as a window to the new tendencies in the electronic music scene, has featured the following international artists: Fennesz, Murcof, Frank Bretschneider and Pole.

+0 LAB net label, , was born on September 2007 with the main goal of using the net as space to shown the pieces of different local, national and international musicians. All the material published on this site it’s under the “Creative Commons” license and without a commercial purpose. As today 10 references has been published and among the future ones stand out the Remix collaboration of Murcof, Bern, Gurtz or Someone Else.

Kulture Movement, (, a project financed by Heineken that starts with the solid intention of promote all the artists from Canarias’s Community (native or not), through the website and events planning.