
Film and video works of Finland

Research applied on the Fine Arts Academy of Finland Film and video works by the students of the PhD of the Kuvataideakatemia, Helsinki Lecture by Paul Landon at Telefónica Foundation’s Space

This program includes works by Stig Baumgartner, Sami van Ingen, Marjatta Oja, Johanna Lecklin and Elina Saloranta. All the pieces are research works in the framework of the PhD Program on Fine Arts. The

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concept of creating art work as a form of research, in the context of a PhD Program on Fine Arts, it’s quite new and somehow controversial. None the less, it’s gaining more and more importance in Europe and the rest of the world, as the institutions that offer PhD

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programs and the artists that choose them and to make works of art that are going to be evaluated and have to be defended as an original research multiply. The goal behind the presentation of this works is to serve as a method for exploring how

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a work of art can be interpreted (in this case, film and video works) as a way of academic research. The works vary on its approach and form. Some students are artists with

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long careers and international recognition in the making of videos and films. Others use the video format only when their practice requires it. Stig Baumgartner it’s a painter and he also makes videos, as independent works and also to illustrate the process of his drawing and painting. Sami van Ingen works with stock footage, generally 35mm films, which he modifies and then reshoots on film and video. Johanna Lecklin makes narrative movies and videos in which she uses scripts based on personal stories told to her. Marjatta Oja builds complex installations on video that study the internal space and the space of the projected image. Elina Saloranta it’s an artist that works with several sorts of media and makes, mostly, conceptual interventions and performances. She uses the video as a way to document and represent her performances.

Selected program presented by Paul Landon

  • Johanna Lecklin There Is a Lot of Joy, Too (2005) 10:45
  • Johanna Lecklin Jeanne Tomorrow (2007) 2:24
  • Johanna Lecklin Huominen Tomorrow (2007) 4:4
  • Stig Baumgartner Cave (2009) 3:00
  • Stig Baumgartner About the Forest, About the Trees (2009) 3:20
  • Sami van Ingen Deep Six (2007) 7:00
  • Sami van Ingen Exactly (2008) 8:0
  • Marjatta Oja Transparent-Situation Sculpture (2006) PowerPoint presentation
  • Elina Saloranta Tango Lesson (2007) 4:00
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