9th International Video/Art/Electronic Festival VAE
CONTINENTE has presented
on the festival the exhibition “Landscapes”
These are pieces that give a look about the relations between man, the works of man, and the environment creations. This genre leaded to video, rise new questionings, mainly about the perception of space conceived from an image machine, and regardless the own media understood as a medium of not corresponded subject matter, as it is the wide shot (the typical practice’s framing). Although there are diverse ways in which the artists approached this genre, an idea prevails: the image proposed as a space (landscape), it’s not the one of the represented referent,
but the very own representation and the medium specifications. The referred it’s the own video image. Artists on this exhibition: Victoria Sayago, Federico Falco, Alejandro Schianchi, Gustavo Caprin, Julián DÁngiolillo and Milena Pafundi. VAE 2009